Reflections on materiality in Jungian art therapy: a phenomenological-imagetical dialogue among Carl Gustav Jung, James Hillman and Gaston Bachelard

  • Santina Oliveira Universidade de São Paulo
Keywords: materiality, mythopoetic imagination, jungian art therapy, phenomenological-imagetical approach, archetypical psychology


Based on the master´s dissertation submitted by the author, this article shows the notion of materiality of the objects in art therapy, inspired by the poetics of elements by the philosopher Gaston Bachelard and the phenomenological-imagetical approach proposed by James Hillman – a post-Jungian author – both in a dialogue with C.G.Jung´s concept of mythopoetic image – differentiating it from a sensorial-visual image.It proposes an art therapeutic approach that distances itself from the interpretation of symbols or final forms created by the patient, going towards an imagetical approach of the creative process experienced inside the art therapeutic setting, based on the dialetical method proposed by Jung to the psychotherapy practice which includes the patient and the therapist in a field of conscious and unconscious exchanges. Finally, this research features the creation of an affective-relational triad: patient-objects-art therapist that goes beyond the traditional subjective dual relationship patient-therapist, embracing mythopoetic characteristics of the material elements (earth, water, air, fire) used in the creations, their possibilities and effects - from the manual and material contact to the fantasies awaken by them which influence the creative process.


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How to Cite
Oliveira S. (2024). Reflections on materiality in Jungian art therapy: a phenomenological-imagetical dialogue among Carl Gustav Jung, James Hillman and Gaston Bachelard. Arteterapia. Papeles de arteterapia y educación artística para la inclusión social, 19, e90111.