Emotional methaphors in times of Covid: SensibilizArte, EmocionArte y RepensArte (Sensitize, Move and Rethinkin for students) through the teaching of Art History

Keywords: Painting, Emotions, Art History, Resilience


We present a classroom exercise carried out in the field of teacher training during the first period of blended teaching after the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic in 2020. Students had to identify their emotions and find a metaphor for them through a pictorial work. After that, a virtual expression framework was created in which all the information is uploaded and compiled, linking the concept to the image, as a group therapy. The objective was to work on resilience as an emotional state allowing to face the well-being of the group. The results show four emotional categories present among the students, being predominant the evocative or nostalgic one. Impressionism, due to its characteristics, becomes the artistic style that mostly reflects the different students’ feelings. This exercise has allowed to create a space for emotional expression of the group- which offers an extraordinary setting to foster resilient attitudes. 


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How to Cite
Muñoz García G. y Jiménez Pablo E. (2022). Emotional methaphors in times of Covid: SensibilizArte, EmocionArte y RepensArte (Sensitize, Move and Rethinkin for students) through the teaching of Art History. Arteterapia. Papeles de arteterapia y educación artística para la inclusión social, 17, 107-116. https://doi.org/10.5209/arte.75613
Experiencias y casos clínicos en arteterapia y educación artística