The necessary synergies

Art Therapy and Fine Arts

  • Elizaberta López Universidad de Granada
Keywords: Art Therapy, Fine Arts, Synergy, Intellectual Disability, University students


The project presented is the dynamic and growing result of a relationship that beginning in February 2017. It is about creating a link between the Faculty of Fine Arts of Granada and the Dr. Juan Segura Family House, dedicated to people with intellectual disabilities and behavioral problems. The physical closeness between both institutions, and the interest of the students, inspired the possibility of creating a space of synergy in which, both users of the Family House and the students of Fine Arts, could share learnings and experiences around creations in an art therapy workshop that has not ceased to work since then. With increasing demand on both sides, this first workshop has opened the way to research and publications, encouraging the trajectory of future art therapists who, from there, are trained in various Spanish universities and soon will be active professionals.

 Also to the direct and particular benefit of the groups, this initiative also contributes increasingly to the visibility of Art Therapy at the University of Granada and in the city, as it has resulted in the establishment of agreements with other institutions.


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How to Cite
López E. (2021). The necessary synergies: Art Therapy and Fine Arts. Arteterapia. Papeles de arteterapia y educación artística para la inclusión social, 16, 91-102.
Experiencias y casos clínicos en arteterapia y educación artística