Autumn, Winter, and Spring; three seasons for an experience of incorporation with grupal Art therapy in a rural school

  • Fania Molina Universidad de Barcelona.
Keywords: Grupal arttherapy, rural academic environment, group dynamics and group evolution bonding, robots.


Overview of a experience with a created art therapy group in order to comprehend most group dynamics in an specific country land educational context. The experience is made with a small group of children with ages among 7 and 12, who belong to the same small village and cohabite either inside the same classroom or outside. This fact creates a complex relationship in either latent or manifest behaviour. Through art therapy it is pretended that these children were able to learn how to accept their differences and others’ differences, and at the same time to enable them to make new discoveries towards self -knowledge, individually and in groups


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How to Cite
Molina F. (2012). Autumn, Winter, and Spring; three seasons for an experience of incorporation with grupal Art therapy in a rural school. Arteterapia. Papeles de arteterapia y educación artística para la inclusión social, 6, 51-69.