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Revistas Científicas Complutenses
Ediciones Complutense
Anaquel de Estudios Árabes
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Vol. 19 (2008)
Vol. 19 (2008)
Abdelaziz Kacem and his Bagdad Quatrains
Mohammed Abdelkafi, Montserrat Abumalham
5 - 16
PDF (Español (España))
Arabic Influences on Lorca’s Works - اشراقات عربية فى إبداع لورآا
Mona Rabi Bastawi
17 - 39
PDF (Español (España))
Un Catecismo para los Musulmanes: La Doutrina Christã em Portuguez e Arabico, de fray João de Sousa - A Catechism for Muslims: Doutrina Christã em Portuguez e Arabico, by friar João de Sousa
Isabel M. R. Mendes Drumond Braga
41 - 52
PDF (Español (España))
African Slave Trade and Slavery as the Foundation for the Emergence and Development of Capitalist Economy
Dolores García Cantús
53 - 65
PDF (Español (España))
Study and Edition of the Risālat al-Hurūf by the Sufi Author Sahl al-Tustarī (including the translation of the section on Yā’-sīn and the passages of his Tafsīr on isolated letters)
Pilar Garrido Clemente
67 - 79
PDF (Español (España))
Echoes Traditional Feminine Lyrical Poetry in a Classical Poet from Al-Andalus
Teresa Garulo Muñoz
81 - 90
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About editions and corrections: Ibn Sāhib al-Salā, Cofrentes and the ancient route along the valley of Magro river
Antonio Carlos Ledo Caballero
91 - 103
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The Development of Ethics in Contemporary Arab Philosophical Thought: the Contributions of M. ‘A. Lahbābī and M. ‘A. al-Ŷābrī
Juan Antonio Macías Amoretti
105 - 126
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A Novel from Saudi Arabia: Khatim, by Raja Alem
Milagros Nuín Monreal
127 - 139
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Consonantism in Arabic Dialects
Ahmed Salem Ould Mohamed Baba
141 - 158
PDF (Español (España))
Y tenía della un fijo que le decían Palaytūn. A Case of Masīhiyya in a Traditional Aljamiado- Morisco Tale (Ms. Junta 8, 73r-81r)
Jorge Pascual Asensi
159 - 174
PDF (Español (España))
Buying and Selling of Urban Property in Granada during the Fifteenth Century in two Arabic Notarial Documents
Mª Dolores Rodríguez Gómez
175 - 199
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Sin autor
205 - 219
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Sin autor
201 - 204
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Español (España)
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Necrológica Saadi Yūsuf (Basora, 1934-Londres, 2021)
Del declive del zellige tetuaní a la supremacía de la...
Sobre el carácter performativo de Nakba en el pensamiento...
El derecho sucesorio de la mujer en el islam y sus...
Calderwood, Eric. On Earth or in Poems: the Many Lives of...
Del declive del zellige tetuaní a la supremacía de la...
Onomástica Turca
Los proverbios árabes clásicos más usados
AI-Kámil al-Khwarizmb and his Kitab ar-Rihal as maqama...
Erotismo y Sexualidad en la Cultura Islámica: Apuntes...
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Vol. 35 No. 2 (2024)
Vol. 35 No. 1 (2024)
Vol. 34 No. 2 (2023)
Vol. 34 No. 1 (2023)
Vol. 33 (2022)
Vol. 32 (2021)
Vol. 31 (2020)
Vol. 30 (2019)
Vol. 29 (2018)
Vol. 28 (2017)
Vol. 27 (2016)
Vol. 26 (2015)
Vol. 25 (2014)
Vol. 24 (2013)
Vol. 23 (2012)
Vol. 22 (2011)
Vol. 21 (2010)
Vol. 20 (2009)
Vol. 19 (2008)
Vol. 18 (2007)
Vol. 17 (2006)
Vol. 16 (2005)
Vol. 15 (2004)
Vol. 14 (2003)
Vol. 13 (2002)
Vol. 12 (2001)
Vol. 11 (2000)
Vol. 10 (1999)
Vol. 9 (1998)
Vol. 8 (1997)
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Vol. 4 (1993)
Vol. 3 (1992)
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