Beyond Paradise, by the Egyptian writer Mansura Izz al-Din

  • Milagros Nuin Monreal Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Contemporary Arabic Literature, Egyptian Novel, Egyptian Women Writers.


The present paper consists in an approximation to the novel of de Egyptian writer Mansura Izz al-Din. After a brief review of the most important data about the author, we analyze her second novel, Beyond Paradise, published the first time in Cairo, in 2005. And then we walk across the most important narrative strategies that she uses: the importance of familiar relationships, the presence of nature, the characters, the place and the familiar house, the relations with the outside world, the treatment of the secondary characters, the sexual relations, the religious education and a brief conclusion.


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Author Biography

Milagros Nuin Monreal, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Dpto. de Estudios Árabes e Islámicos



How to Cite
Nuin Monreal M. (2011). Beyond Paradise, by the Egyptian writer Mansura Izz al-Din. Anaquel de Estudios Árabes, 22, 255-264.