La portada occidental de la catedral de Jaca y la cuestión de las imágenes

  • Francisco De Asís García García
Keywords: Aniconism, Trinity, Romanesque portal, Jaca, Chrismon


The west portal of the cathedral of Jaca is analyzed under the debate on the sacred image and its limits in Western medieval art. The presence of the chrismon in the tympanum offers an aniconic solution to the problem of the representation of the Trinity, related to an exegetical tradition whose main defender is Saint Augustine. A number of new suggestions concerning the capitals of the portal are also proposed in connection to the “image question” in order to get a comprehensive reading of the sculptural program.


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How to Cite
García García F. D. A. . (2010). La portada occidental de la catedral de Jaca y la cuestión de las imágenes. Anales de Historia del Arte, Extra (2), 69-89.