“Descendit de Caelis”. Liturgy, Architecture and Theatre in the Dominican Castilian Nunneries in the Late Middle Ages

  • Mercedes Pérez Vidal Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Keywords: Dominican nuns, Castile, Liturgy and architecture, Theatre, Reform, Late Middle Ages.


Both the liturgy and paraliturgies or ceremonies linked to it within the nunneries in the Iberian Peninsula still remain almost unknown. However, by applying a new and integrating approach, which has made little impact in the historiography of women’s monasticism in this area, we can trace the development of some of these practices, as well as the role of nuns in their shaping and performing, the use of some artifacts, and the spaces in which representations were carried out. Additionally, opposed to the traditional consideration of the Franciscan preeminence in the origins of religious plays, I argue the role of Dominican nuns and friars in their development.


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How to Cite
Pérez Vidal M. (2015). “Descendit de Caelis”. Liturgy, Architecture and Theatre in the Dominican Castilian Nunneries in the Late Middle Ages. Anales de Historia del Arte, 24(Especial), 79-95. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_ANHA.2014.v24.48692