El Triunfo de Átropos en la "Celestina"

  • Ryan Giles The University of Chicago
Keywords: Celestina, Rojas, Petrarca, Parcae, Fairies, Mithology, death.


The followwing paper examins the possible references concerning the three fairies mentioned at the end of Fernando de Rojas´Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea or Celestina We will analyse how the roles of these three mythological sisters were interpreted in the visual imagination at Rojas’ time. And most of all the importance of the third characted, the greek Atropos and the latin Morta, as shown in Petrarca’s theme about the conquest of Chastity and the triumph of Death in Renaissance.


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How to Cite
Giles R. (2012). El Triunfo de Átropos en la "Celestina". Anales de Historia del Arte, 22(Especial), 285-294. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_ANHA.2012.39089