Palacios y conventos a finales de la Edad Media: la reina Catalina de Lancaster y Santa María la Real de Nieva

  • Sonia Caballero Escamilla Dpto. Historia del Arte Universidad de Granada
Keywords: royal palace, convent, Catalina de Lancaster, Santa María la Real de Nieva.


The existence of a royal palace in convent, in this case Dominican, answers to a typology of great rooting in the Iberian Peninsula. We dedicate the present article to the study and interpretation of this typology, centring on the convent of Santa Maria la Real de Nieva, supported by the queen Catalina de Lancaster. Finally, we raise an analysis on the function and receipt of the images distributed in the door of the church in relation with the historical and social context, demonstrating certain appearances of antiJudaism in the treatment of some topics.


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How to Cite
Caballero Escamilla S. (2012). Palacios y conventos a finales de la Edad Media: la reina Catalina de Lancaster y Santa María la Real de Nieva. Anales de Historia del Arte, 22(Especial), 267-283.