Document’s truth: problems regarding to documental sources for the scientific research of Giovanni Battista Crescenzi’s artistic activity.

  • Gloria del Val Moreno Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Keywords: Giovanni Battista Crescenzi, documental sources, Paulo V, Soprintendente.


Documental sources are usually an imprescindible issue for establishing the bases and main conclusions of whatever scientific research. However, a document could turn into a double-edged sword if it was isolated of his natural context, creating a biased interpretation of its contents. It would be advisable for the perfect development of a research to increase our knowledge about how administration and bureaucracy works, in order not to misunderstood the proccess and agents which are involved in. This article wants to be a reflection about the validity of the documental sources in the scientific research, taking into account the particular circumstances of the roman noble Giovanni Battista Crescenzi (Roma, 1577 - Madrid, 1635), and the dichotomy which seems to exist between documental and literary sources regarding to the professional and artistic profile of Crescenzi’s activity between the Rome of Pope Paul V and the Spanish Court of Philip III and Philip IV.


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Author Biography

Gloria del Val Moreno, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Facultad de Geografía e Historia. Departamento de Historia del Arte II (Moderno)



How to Cite
del Val Moreno G. (2011). Document’s truth: problems regarding to documental sources for the scientific research of Giovanni Battista Crescenzi’s artistic activity. Anales de Historia del Arte, 21(Extra), 93-110.