The Narcissus Myth in Óscar Campo’s Yo soy otro (2008): From the Mystery of Being to (Self-)Terrorist Violence

  • Mayron Estefan Cantillo Lucuara Universitat de València
Keywords: Narcissus, Yo soy otro, Óscar Campo, mystery, liquidity.


In this article, I thoroughly analyse the postmodern refiguration of the Narcissus myth in the film Yo soy otro (2008), directed by Colombian filmmaker Óscar Campo. From a broad philosophical perspective informed by contemporary epistemologies on the post-metaphysical subject, I aim to demonstrate that the film appropriates the Greek ephebe’s tragic story and puts it in dialogue with the existential concerns that determine the contemporary self, acting as the causal factors behind its self-absorption, radical individualism, extreme liquidity, lack of transcendental referents, and self-destructive drives.


Author Biography

Mayron Estefan Cantillo Lucuara, Universitat de València
Estudiante de doctorado y becario de investigación en el Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya de la Universitat de València. Mi tesis y mis trabajos ya publicados abordan el estudio de los mitos clásicos greco-latinos de dualismo y anti-dualismo y su pervivencia en la literatura y cultura británicas.
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How to Cite
Cantillo Lucuara M. E. (2017). The Narcissus Myth in Óscar Campo’s Yo soy otro (2008): From the Mystery of Being to (Self-)Terrorist Violence. Amaltea. Revista de mitocrítica, 9, 25-41.
Articles | Thematic Issue