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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submitting an article to this journal implies the acceptance of the Declaration of Originality and Authorship.
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  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, MicrosoftWord, RTF or WordPerfect document file format.
  • All the references of the text follow the MLA style, 8th edition.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlines in the Author Guidelines, which is found in "About the Journal".
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • Where available, DOIs have been included.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in ‘Ensuring a Blind Review’ have been followed.
  • It is required that the Author Declaration be signed and scanned by all authors and attached when you send your article.
  • Submit a signed copy of the Transfer Copyright Agreement when you send your article.
  • The article and the other required documents will be sent through the OJS system, by clicking on the link "make a new submission" on the top of this page.
  • Make sure you add your ORCID ID to your Amaltea profile.

Author Guidelines

1. Introduction

Amaltea, Journal of Myth Criticism accepts only original and unpublished works that explore the reception of ancient, medieval, and modern myths in literature and the arts.


Authors may send their article throughout the year. Authors are asked to register under the role of AUTHOR at They will obtain a username and a password that will allow them to start the submission process, after logging in

If they wish, authors may register as a REVIEWER as well, or mark that option in the "Roles" tab in their profile at We ask all reviewers to fill in their "Reviewing Interests" under this tab and send us an e-mail to with your information (name, institution, reviewing interests, and reviewing languages) and stating that you wish to be considered as a reviewer. 

The authors’ personal information by no means will appear in the article—whether be it in the main text or in the footnotes. Likewise, any reference that may identify the author shall be removed. Authors’ personal details (name, surname, institution, email address) will be entered through the form which authors are asked to fill in during their online submission (Step 3. Entering the Submission’s Metadata). 

Amaltea. Journal of Myth Criticism will acknowledge receipt of the submissions. Submissions will be subjected to an external double-blind peer-review process. The Editorial Board, upon hearing the reports, can accept the article, reject it or else recommend changes to be made to the article. If necessary, an additional external review will be asked for. Authors will receive notification of this decision no later than four months after their first submission.

Authors are requested to observe the Best Practice Guidelines included below.

Amaltea. Journal of Myth Criticism does not have either article submission charges or article processing charges (APCs).

It is recommended that authors add their ORCID ID in the "Public" tab of their Amaltea profile.

2. Length and Text Formatting

Articles will be written in English or Spanish. They will be in all between 4,000 and 7,000 words in length.

Submissions will be formatted as follows:

Right and left margins: 3 cm.
Top and bottom margins: 2,5 cm.
Line spacing: 1,5; do not add extra space between paragraphs of the main text.
Typeface: Arial, 12 pt, for main text and quotations; 10 for footnotes.
Quotations over three lines must be indented 1,25 cm to the left in a separate paragraph.
First line indentation: 1,25 cm.
Paragraph spacing before and after: 0 pt.

Do not use bold typeface or underline the words for emphasis. If some words are to be highlighted, please use italics. Expressions in foreign languages will be italicized.

3. First Page

The first page of the submission will include the following:

Title of the article in the original language, centered. Do not type it in all capital letters.

Abstract, up to 100 words in the same language, 10 pt.

Keywords in the same language (3-8), separated by commas.

Translation of the title to the other official language of the journal.

Translation of the abstract into a second language (resumen).

Keywords in a second language (palabras clave). If the submission is written in English, the title, abstract and keywords will also be translated into Spanish.

4. Outline of the Article

If necessary, the article might be divided into a reasonable number of sections. Leave two extra spaces before each heading and one after. Headings will be numbered with Arabic numerals. If subheadings were needed, these will follow a numbered plan; each new level will be indented an additional 0,5 cm. Do not use more than three levels. Do not leave extra spaces between headings and subheadings.

1. Introduction

2. The Literary Experience

2.1. Scope of the Present Study

5. Quotations, Footnotes, and their Translations

If a quotation runs more than three lines, put it in quotation marks (“. . . ”) and incorporate it into the text. If a quotation is longer than four lines, set it off in a different paragraph, with single-spaced, 1,25 cm indentation to both sides, and no quotation marks. Leave one extra space between and after the quotation (12 pt). For an ellipsis within a quotation, use brackets: [. . .]. If the ellipsis appears in the quoted text, use parenthesis: (. . .).

Use footnotes sparingly and place them at the bottom of the page on which they are referenced. Use 10 pt Arial, a first-line indentation of 1 cm, single-spaced. Bibliographical references will be included parenthetically in the main text. However, sources can be commented on in footnotes.

All quotations inside the main text need to be in the language of the text, regardless of the language of origin. When you use a translation (yours or official) in your article, include the quote in the original language in a footnote (this should be the main reference you are using, unless stated otherwise).

6. Referencing System

Authors will follow the MLA referencing system (we recommend the 8th edition, 2016, over the 7th). References will be parenthetically included in the text.

Usually, the author’s last name and a page reference are enough to identify the source and location of the quoted material. If the author's name is included in the sentence, provide only the page:

Durand has argued this point (128-134).

If the author is not mentioned in the sentence, include it in the parenthetical abbreviation:

This point has already been argued (Durand 128-134).

Several critics agree with this idea (Sanz 124; Garrido 23).

If two or more works by the same author are cited, put a comma after the author’s last name and a shortened version of the title along with the page reference:

(Ulla, Encuentros 112)

(Ulla, Invenciones 45)

If your paper is written in English, follow the MLA style recommendations concerning spelling, punctuation, italics, numbers, capitalization, etc.

7. The List of Works Cited

The list of works cited appears at the end of the paper, under the heading ‘Works Cited’. Entries will be arranged in alphabetical order by the authors’ last names. Use a 1,25 cm hanging indentation for each entry. References should be 12 pt Arial, 1,5 line spacing, indentation hanging 1,25 cm.

If more than two works of the same author have been cited, alphabetize them by title, taking into account the first relevant word or keyword used in the in-text parenthetical reference. Give the author’s surname only in the first entry. Thereafter, instead of the surname, type three hyphens followed by a period and the title:

Ulla, Noemí. Encuentros con Silvina Ocampo. Editorial de Belgrano, 1982. 

---. Invenciones a dos voces. Ficción y poesía en Silvina Ocampo. 2nd ed. Ediciones del Valle, 2000. 

---, ed. Poesía inédita y dispersa. By Silvina Ocampo. Emecé Editores, 2001. 

DOI numbers (Digital Object Identifiers) are unique number combinations assigned to an article. With the help of this DOI number, the article can always be located. If the works or articles cited have a DOI, authors are requested to include it in its corresponding bibliographical reference:

Cook, W. A. “Ripley's Game and The American Friend: A Modernist and Postmodernist Comparison.” The Journal of Popular Culture vol. 37, 2004, pp. 399–408.

Authors can check whether a DOI number exists for a particular article on the Crossref website.

For further reference see:

MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (2016, 8th edition)

8. Submission of Reviews

Book reviews may be sent any time of the year. Their length will be 1,500 to 2,000 words. The format of reviews will be identical to that of articles but without a ‘Works Cited’ list or footnotes. The following details of the book reviewed will precede the text:

Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiografía. Ed. and trans. Javier Alcoriza. Cátedra, 2012. ISBN: 9788437629827. 231 pp.

The submission of reviews will also be made electronically after registration:

ORCID ID should be added to the "Public" tab of the Amaltea profile.

9. Submission of Pictures

In case illustrations or pictures are to be submitted, they will be included in the text document or attached during "Step 4. Uploading Supplementary Files" (in this case, authors must clearly show where they wish their images to appear in the text). Images should be in JPG/JPEG files and have a resolution of at least 200 dpi. 

Requesting permissions for the inclusion of materials whose copyright is not owned by the author is the author's responsibility. According to the Spanish "Ley de Propiedad Intelectual" 32.1, authors can include part of media that is already released and is relevant to the analysis portrayed in the article. This means that they do not need permission to include images from films, series, video games, comics, or any other media if they respect that rule.

10. Recommendations in favor of using inclusive language

A language free of bias, using terms that avoid stereotypes, should be used while writing an article. In that regard, authors are encouraged to read any guidelines about bias-free language applied to an academic context. Amaltea recommends these two guidelines, in English and Spanish:

APA's Guidelines for bias-free language (English)

Basic guidelines for non-sexist language by UCM (Spanish)

Manual "El género en la investigación" by CSIC (Spanish) 


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