The testimony and experience of death. Raúl González Tuñón

  • Eugenia Straccali
Keywords: Raúl González Tuñón, testimonial subject, death, experience, memory.


The gaze that witness is not only proof, evidence, it is also the symbolic place from which an unique and unrepeatable experience is narrated. Raúl González Tuñón shapes a fictional and testimonial subject, but he does not inscribe himself as an authority that presents the truth of the occurred, but as a subject guarantor of an indescribable experience, that of the death. This fictional, poetic subject talks about the death and recovers this experience of the real as what is lived, rescues the unpresentable, aestheticizes, enlightens veiled zones of the real. The type of subjects that stands for a testimony is not only implied as witness that sees and attests what he saw, but is constructed from a position of participant subject that proposes a possible version of what happened and also questions other versions: everything witnessed depends of an enunciation that is always position and selection.


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How to Cite
Straccali E. (2017). The testimony and experience of death. Raúl González Tuñón. Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, 46, 375-390.