The dramatic poem cortazariano "Los Reyes": the lyric hypertext like overcoming of the tragic myth

  • Cynthia Gabbay Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén
Keywords: Julio Cortázar, Los Reyes, Poetry, Minotaur, Labyrinth.


Inside the frame of intertextual analysis, the Julio Cortázar's first work is characterized by his relations dialógicas by different textual levels and extratextuales: the generic one, the poetical one, the philosophical one and the historical-cultural one. Los Reyes it is not an exception, and on him it centres on this article the one that offers himself the identification and the analysis of the topos reminiscente of the Minotaur and the labyrinth in the above mentioned dramatic poem..


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How to Cite
Gabbay C. (2014). The dramatic poem cortazariano "Los Reyes": the lyric hypertext like overcoming of the tragic myth. Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, 43, 271-281.