Nicaragua in Rubén Darío’s Short Stories

  • Sylma García González Universidad de Puerto Rico
Keywords: short stories, tradition, Nicaragua, culture, identity


A brief view of the critic treasures about the stories of Ruben Dario is sufficient to conclude that this phase of his literary job woke up a minor interest on his poetic production in the international criticism. In addition, even if is inestimable for history in general of the Spanish and Latin-American stories, his narrative is considerate on a post secondary position in front of a genuine esthetic literary on his poetry. Even if this result is impossible to deny, the French and Spanish influences that the critics point was accurately, it will be interesting to study the possible dialog between Dario and his Central American cultural tradition, especially Nicaraguans. In other part, we must emphasize that the ones that will not consider the importance of the Central American and Nicaragua on those stories are in general international critics while Nicaraguan critics perceive clearly in this masterpiece an undeniable national influence while of universal resonance.  


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How to Cite
García González S. (2011). Nicaragua in Rubén Darío’s Short Stories. Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, 40, 147-159.