Forbidden mournings and uncomfortable memories in the Peruvian theater after the internal war: An analysis of the play La hija de Marcial by Héctor Gálvez

Keywords: Peruvian theater, 21st century, political violence, cultural memory, mourning, identity


La hija de Marcial, a play written by Héctor Gálvez, addresses a topic rarely discussed in Peruvian dramaturgy dedicated to the internal war (1980-2000) and almost excluded from the official memory of the years of political violence: the terrorist. The text, however, does not approach the theme from the direct representation of this figure, but from the drama of the daughter of a militant of a terrorist group, who has to bury the remains of her father, discovered in a clandestine grave. In that regard, the purpose of this article is to analyze two debates brought up in the text and that go beyond the fiction in present-day Peru: What kind of funerals the enemies of the State are entitled to? How does the identity of the terrorist’s children take shape after the internal war?


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Author Biography

Gino Luque Bedregal, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

Doctor en Artes Escénicas por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona y Licenciado en Literatura Hispánica por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Es profesor asociado del Departamento de Artes Escénicas de dicha casa de estudios y director de la Maestría en Artes Escénicas de la misma institución. Imparte asignaturas sobre dramaturgia, teatro contemporáneo y teoría teatral. Entre sus temas de investigación, se encuentran la dramaturgia textual contemporánea, la autoficción y la memoria cultural. Es autor teatral y director de escena. 

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How to Cite
Luque Bedregal G. (2022). Forbidden mournings and uncomfortable memories in the Peruvian theater after the internal war: An analysis of the play La hija de Marcial by Héctor Gálvez. Talía. Revista de estudios teatrales, 4, 47-55.