This paper aims to inquire for the sociodemographic structure of the Venezuelan occupied labour force and its differences in comparison to the national occupied labour force in the city of Bogotá, Colombia. To achieve this purpose, this research relies on data for the year 2021 from the Integrated Great Survey of Households (Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares - GEIH), a monthly socio demographic survey GEIH that captures information related to the main characteristics of the studied population. In this sense, comparisons in terms of educational levels, income, occupational status, family structure, gender and age groups were done in order to determine differences and common patterns. Finally, a hierarchical cluster analysis strategy was proposed to identify possible sociodemographic typologies of the Venezuelan labour force

  • David Esteban Rojas Ospina Ankara University
Keywords: migration, sociodemographic structure, household typologies, integration, Latin America, Bogotá


This paper aims to inquire for the sociodemographic structure of the Venezuelan occupied labour force and its differences in comparison to the national occupied labour force in the city of Bogotá, Colombia. To achieve this purpose, this research relies on data for the year 2021 from the Integrated Great Survey of Households (Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares - GEIH), a monthly socio demographic survey GEIH that captures information related to the main characteristics of the studied population. In this sense, comparisons in terms of educational levels, income, occupational status, family structure, gender and age groups were done in order to determine differences and common patterns. Finally, a hierarchical cluster analysis strategy was proposed to identify possible sociodemographic typologies of the Venezuelan labour force.


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How to Cite
Rojas Ospina D. E. (2023). This paper aims to inquire for the sociodemographic structure of the Venezuelan occupied labour force and its differences in comparison to the national occupied labour force in the city of Bogotá, Colombia. To achieve this purpose, this research relies on data for the year 2021 from the Integrated Great Survey of Households (Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares - GEIH), a monthly socio demographic survey GEIH that captures information related to the main characteristics of the studied population. In this sense, comparisons in terms of educational levels, income, occupational status, family structure, gender and age groups were done in order to determine differences and common patterns. Finally, a hierarchical cluster analysis strategy was proposed to identify possible sociodemographic typologies of the Venezuelan labour force. Sociología del Trabajo, 102, 99-114. (Original work published 2023)