“The most frightening for their disobedience”: revisiting artisan labour conflicts in early modern Spain

  • José Antolín Nieto Sánchez Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Keywords: Conflict, labour, guilds, artisans, royal factories, Spain


This paper explores the differences and similarities to be found in labour conflicts occurring in the two main manufacturing systems in early modern Spain: the large industrial concentrations of royal factories, arsenals and mines, on the one hand, and the small artisan workshops, on the other. It is thus a comparative analysis that centres on the workers involved in those conflicts, the causes which led them to protest, the ways they organized and carried out their actions, and the attitude of both royal factories’ directors and masters artisans to their subordinates’ uprisings


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How to Cite
Nieto Sánchez J. A. (2021). “The most frightening for their disobedience”: revisiting artisan labour conflicts in early modern Spain. Sociología del Trabajo, 98, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.5209/stra.77115