To interpret the Chilean insurrection of October

Slavoj Žižek and the theory of the political-ethical act.

  • Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo Universidad de los Lagos, Osorno, Chile.
  • David Pavón-Cuellar Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
  • José Cabrera Universidad Austral de Chile
  • Rodrigo Aguilera Hunt Sociedad Chilena de Psicoanálisis, ICHPA
  • Antonio Letelier Universidad de Chile
  • Jamadier Uribe Muñoz Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile.
Keywords: Social movements; Neoliberalism; Žižek; Act; Event.


This article constitutes an interpretive reading of the social mobilizations that took place in Chile, beginning in October 18, 2019. For this, the concepts of Act and Event as developed by Žižek are used, based in ruptures and continuities with Lacan and Badiou, which will serve to think the historical transcendence of the Chilean protests. To delve into this reading, an analysis based on the categories of rupture, loss, lack, historicity, repoliticization, retroactivity and repetition is proposed, concluding that the events of October 18 and subsequent months mark a breaking point with neoliberal hegemony, by introducing a negativity capable of subverting the prevailing symbolic order, animated by an ethics of desire.


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Author Biography

José Cabrera, Universidad Austral de Chile

Instituto de Psicología

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How to Cite
Barria-Asenjo N. A., Pavón-Cuellar D., Cabrera J., Aguilera Hunt R., Letelier A. y Uribe Muñoz J. (2020). To interpret the Chilean insurrection of October: Slavoj Žižek and the theory of the political-ethical act. Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas, 23(3), 283-294.