The Thought of José Carlos Mariátegui: Between Marxism and Populism?

  • David Cardozo Santiago Universidad Complutense de Madrid/Universidade Federal de Bahia
Keywords: Mariátegui, Populism, Latin American Marxism, Community


This paper focuses on the central place that José Carlos Mariátegui granted to the surviving ayllu community structures in the construction of a socialism adapted to the conditions of Peru. This inquiry will allow us to contrast the solutions to the problem of the land and the problem of the Indian, as they were conceived by the Peruvian thinker, with the approaches made by the Russian populists regarding the survival of the rural commune (the obshina). Finally, we will be in a position to question to what extent the paths traveled by politicians of the intellectual stature of Herzen and Chernyshevski, in the Russia of the 19th century, and by Mariátegui, in the Peru of the first decades of the 20th century, depart from the Marxism of the Marx himself.


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How to Cite
Cardozo Santiago D. (2021). The Thought of José Carlos Mariátegui: Between Marxism and Populism?. Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas, 24(1), 75-84.