The Origins Of Modernitiy In Indian Political Thought (1858-1909)

  • Mario López Areu Universidad Pontificia de Comillas
Keywords: India; Koselleck; Modernity; Conceptual History; Colonialism


Applying Reinhart Koselleck’s methodological tool of Sattelzeit, this paper argues that the transition to modernity of Indian political thought takes place between 1858 and 1947. The paper focuses its analysis in the first phase of this transition, that which takes place between 1858, when the colonial state is established and that introduces the institutions and principles of Western modernity, and 1909, when Gandhi emerges onto the political stage. The paper argues that this period is characterised, first, by a process of acceptance of the ideas and principles of Western modernity, to be followed by a reconceptualisation of those same ideas by Indian intellectuals to develop an anti-colonialist discourse founded on modern values like those of equality and justice.


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How to Cite
López Areu M. (2019). The Origins Of Modernitiy In Indian Political Thought (1858-1909). Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas, 22(1), 105-121.