“eine(r) große(n) verhängnisvolle(n) Zeit”. The Peninsular War in the Work of Two German Romantic Authors: Hoffmann and Eichendorff

  • Berta Raposo Universitat de València
Keywords: German Romanticism, Narrative Techniques, Literature and History, Romantic Myths


At the beginning of the 19th century an interest for current themes (“Zeitgeschehen”) arises in German literature. E. T. A. Hoffmann and Joseph von Eichendorff, the most important authors of late Romanticism, set two of their stories (publ. 1819 and 1834) in Spain during the Peninsular War (1808-1814). This paper analyzes the lines of argument, the treatment of the main characters and the representation of war in both texts from a comparative perspective. The results of that analysis show that the Peninsular War is in both cases a container for actions or characters which lie outside the daily world. However, there is an important difference: Hoffmann describes war with an appearance of truthfulness, while Eichendorff uses its representation to develop his own myths.


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How to Cite
Raposo B. (2018). “eine(r) große(n) verhängnisvolle(n) Zeit”. The Peninsular War in the Work of Two German Romantic Authors: Hoffmann and Eichendorff. Revista de Filología Alemana, 26, 27-41. https://doi.org/10.5209/RFAL.60140
Articles. Literary Studies