“Spain is different.” Spanish-German Auto- and Heterostereotypes in the Film Production during the Spanish Franco-Dictatorship

  • Isabel Gutiérrez Koester Universitat de València
Keywords: Interculturality, Stereotypes, Emigration, Mass Tourism, Spanish-German Relations, Audiovisual Media.


The cultural relations between German-speaking countries and Spain have been a popular subject of scientific research. In this context, the Spanish dictatorship (1939-1975) is a particularly striking era, which coincides not only with a massive emigration of Spanish workers to Central Europe but also with the beginnings of mass tourism. Many hetero- and auto-stereotypes, prejudices and clichés came up from the encounter and interaction of the Spanish and German culture. By using various audiovisual examples, this paper aims at offering an insight into the different cultural characters of these interaction partners and examines the encounter of both cultures in an exemplifying way.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez Koester I. (2013). “Spain is different.” Spanish-German Auto- and Heterostereotypes in the Film Production during the Spanish Franco-Dictatorship. Revista de Filología Alemana, 21, 149-162. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_RFAL.2013.v21.42131
Articles. Cultural studies