Literature as a Medium of Memory: the Holocaust in Contemporary Literature

  • Friedhelm Marx Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Keywords: Literature and Holocaust, Memory in Literature, Literary Autobiography, German


of the 20th Century. This symptomatic delay is also to be observed in German literature: in the nineties several novels and autobiographies appear, which tie the Holocaust, each in a specific way, to the Germans’ cultural memory. The article exemplifies different forms of literary memory of the Holocaust with Martin Walser’s A Gushing Fountain, Uwe Timm’s In My Brother’s Shaddow, W.G. Sebald’s Austerlitz and Bernhard Schlink’s The Reader. These works range between autobiographies and novels; a common aspect in all of them is the attempt to address the Holocaust, without smoothening the horrors that are associated with this event. The literature turns out to be a medium of memory, which also reflects the process of memory in a critic way.


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How to Cite
Marx F. (2011). Literature as a Medium of Memory: the Holocaust in Contemporary Literature. Revista de Filología Alemana, 181-193.