Elfi Electra, Inge, Sylvia seek a Father

  • Brigitte E. Jirku Universitat de València
Keywords: Elfriede Jelinek, the father figure in literature, literature and the body, gender studies


The absent father is a constant theme in Elfriede Jelinek’s work. Theaterwissenschaft literary criticism argues that he died at a certain moment in Jelinek’s literary production, while Germanistik literary criticism usually maintains that the father is still alive. This paper argues that the father is still alive, not as a person but as pars pro toto and as an ideological representation. Vain attempts are made to recover the father’s scattered body and his words. This thesis will be tested using a detailed analysis of the search that drives the figures of Elfi Electra in Ein Sportstück and Inge and Sylvia in Die Wand (Prinzessinnendramen).


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How to Cite
Jirku B. E. (2011). Elfi Electra, Inge, Sylvia seek a Father. Revista de Filología Alemana, 141-149. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/RFAL/article/view/36589