Democratic memory and polarization in the digital space. Challenges and opportunities at school

Keywords: democratic memory, ideological polarization, affective polarization, memory pedagogy, democratic education, competency-based education, digital spaces
Agencies: Research Group Transformations and Conflicts in Contemporary Societies, Research Institute in Hispanic World Studies


The paper proposes to work together polarization and democratic dismemory in the school, in order to break the relationship that feeds back on both. Memory is continually reworked throught group experiences and within an context, and this reworking is increasingly taking place in digital spaces. These spaces have become not only privileged places for the recovery and dissemination of democratic memory, but also its new social cadres. With this, the democratic memory is exposed to de dangers of the networks, among which is polarization, because democratic memory referes to ideological, identity and affective elements that especially lead to it. Polarization weakens the foundations of a democratic society, which is paradigmatic and serious when it occurs around a proposal like the democratic memory that has the opposite objetive: its strengthening. The LOMLOE provides a framework from which to break the cycle between desmemory and polarization. This makes it posible to identify four axes from which to design learning situations that involve different subjects and promote the development of multiple competencies that, at the same time they favor the recognition of the struggle for democracy, also favor democratic coexistence.


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How to Cite
Ribón M. A. (2024). Democratic memory and polarization in the digital space. Challenges and opportunities at school. Política y Sociedad, 61(3), e88778.