Feminist evaluation of gender related violence educational programs: a situated proposal

  • Barbara Biglia Universitat Rovira i Virgili
  • Marta Luxán Serrano Universidad del Páis Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (España)
  • Edurne Jiménez Pérez Universidad Rovira y Virgili (España)
Keywords: gender related violence, education, training, feminist evaluation, situated knowledge
Agencies: European Union


Gender related violence (GRVs) is a serious problem that must be addressed with multi-sited and comprehensive strategies that include social, cultural, political and economic changes. Assuming that the evaluation of prevention policies is a fundamental component of strategies to eliminate GRVs, this article aims to contribute to the improvement of the evaluation of GRVs educational interventions.

In order to do this, we formulate and operationalize six evaluative criteria for monitoring training: positionality, interaction, care, response, influence and diffraction. We built these criteria based on the experience of the European action-research project // anonymized //, as well as on feminist methodological theories, and on participatory-empowering and collaborative evaluation approaches. The use of these criteria in conjunction with the analysis of the intervention context, are intended to allow an in deep, triangulated and process-oriented evaluation of the educational practics in GRVs that is able to go beyond measuring their impact on the participants. Our intent is to contribute to the improvement of educational interventions by promoting evaluation processes that are, in themselves, political actions that collaborate in the elimination of GRVs.


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How to Cite
Biglia B., Luxán Serrano M. y Jiménez Pérez E. (2022). Feminist evaluation of gender related violence educational programs: a situated proposal. Política y Sociedad, 59(1), e75990. https://doi.org/10.5209/poso.75990