Byung-Chul Han's political perspective and his understanding of otherness

  • Luis Fernando Butierrez Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Keywords: psychopolitics, ego, other, neoliberal society, negativity


In the following work we will develop a problematization of the concept of otherness in various descriptions of Western societies in the work of Byung-Chul Han. In particular, we seek to account for some tensions between the traditional consideration of the ego or the subject and the understanding of the contrasting alterity, from which it presents guidelines for a political. For this we will analyze their descriptions of the deterioration of community ties and the configuration of new subjectivities, in order to reveal his critical readings and interpretations of the metaphysical tradition of subjectivity. In this way, we propose to reveal ways for a possible comprehensive development of this contemporary socio-political approach.


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How to Cite
Butierrez L. F. (2022). Byung-Chul Han’s political perspective and his understanding of otherness. Política y Sociedad, 59(1), e75886.