Anonymity and altruism in gamete donations: generating biocapital in the reproductive industry

  • Ana Mª Rivas Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Fernando Lores Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Mª Isabel Jociles Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: anonymity, gamete donation, assisted reproduction, reproductive work, bioeconomy


In this article, we analyze how the anonymity and altruism of gamete donation plays a key role in sustaining a booming reproductive industry in the Spanish context. From our ethnographic experience, and relying on other data extracted from secondary sources (statistics, guidelines of official agencies, legislation), we return to concepts of Marx's classical theory (productive / reproductive work, surplus value, alienation, among others) to give an account of the production of biocapital from the circuits of reproductive donations. We consider anonymity and altruism to be legal instruments that favor the private and privative appropriation of "donated" gametes in sufficient quantity for the development of the market and the reproductive industry. These legal instruments establish the conditions that make possible the appropriation by medical centers, as well as the fixing of prices and the way in which these gametes are "donated."


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How to Cite
Rivas A. M., Lores F. y Jociles M. I. (2019). Anonymity and altruism in gamete donations: generating biocapital in the reproductive industry. Política y Sociedad, 56(3), 623-644.