Transparency, the Open and its Politics

  • Andoni Alonso Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Francisco Martorell
Keywords: transparency, politics, power, history, rhetoric, philosophy, privacy


Transparency has become a universal shared value. Nevertheless, it is required a critical analysis on its contemporary formulations concerning different disciplines such as technology, sociology and political. Present universality entails the danger of becoming pure rhetoric or a totalitarian element used to control or alienate individuals . Certainly degrees of transparency are required when the exercice of power is involved. But at the same time similar grades of opacity are required to protect individuals from other’s gaze and from the campaign promoting to exhibit any privacy.


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How to Cite
Alonso A. y Martorell F. (2018). Transparency, the Open and its Politics. Política y Sociedad, 55(2), 597-614.