The Elementary Forms of Religious Life: The Contemporary Break Down of the Durkheimian Equations

  • Alfonso Pérez-Agote Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Durkheim, religion, modernization, society, individual, globalization.


This paper aims to explain the renewed interest that The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life has in contemporary sociology. The changes that have taken place as part of the modernization of non-Western countries and due to globalization have inspired a discussion in the field regarding the validity of previous major theories and conceptual frameworks. This article examines the usefulness of this book in the context of the current debate. This work is not so much an attempt to present those aspects from Durkheim’s proposal that continue to be valid, but more to have a look at the author’s initial concerns and ultimate objective considering current major social changes. Three elements explain the current interest in this book and this article provides a discussion supporting this idea. First, The Elementary Forms is relevant for its analysis of totemic societies, their religion, etc. Second, the work is interesting because major contemporary social changes are attacking the autonomy of the monocentric and culturally homogeneous societies that concerned Durkheim. His contribution to the analysis of these societies has thus become essential in the current context. Third, the work has recently become more attractive because some individuals, groups and agencies are now seeking to create a Durkheimian monocentric society.


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Author Biography

Alfonso Pérez-Agote, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Catedrático de Sociología en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Coordinador del Groupe Européen de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur le Changement Religieux (GERICR). Temas de investigación: identidades colectivas, culturales y políticas, cambio religioso, teoría sociológica. Algunos ibros recientes: Les nouveaux repères de l’identité collective en Europe (co-éd.) (1999), La situación de la religión en España a comienzos del siglo XXI (co-autor)  (2004), Hacia una nueva cultura de la identidad y la política (co-autor) (2005), The Social Roots of Basque Nationalism (2006),  Religión y política en la sociedad actual (co-autor) (2008),  Las raíces sociales del nacionalismo vasco (2008), Emancipación y precariedad en los jóvenes vascos: entre la anomia funcional y el cambio cultural (2008), Religión y política en la sociedad actual (co-ed.) (2008), La nueva pluralidad religiosa (co-autor)  (2009), Barrios multiculturales (co-autor) (2010).



How to Cite
Pérez-Agote A. (2012). The Elementary Forms of Religious Life: The Contemporary Break Down of the Durkheimian Equations. Política y Sociedad, 49(2), 273-292.