On Modernity and Colonialism. Supplementary Notes on a Relationship

Keywords: modernity, colonialism, cololiniality, representation, discourse


The article addresses the relationship between modernity and coloniality in the field of colonial theories, both postcolonial and decolonial, emphasizing the problems of representation and putting in the foreground the problem of not having a language suitable to express the tensions that the same relationship produces. For this, it discuss the crossroads of the coloniality and modernity, present in representative authors of these theories, and it assumes such a crossroads as a cultural and theoretical arena. From there, a reading exercise is proposed, as an example, in texts by Joseph Conrad and Frantz Fanon. Finally, the article discusses some nuances of the problem of representation that could affect our understanding of the processes of subjectivity, their histories and the morphologies of our knowledge.


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Author Biography

Alejandro José De Oto, National University of San Juan
Instituto de Filosofía, Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Artes
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How to Cite
De Oto A. J. (2019). On Modernity and Colonialism. Supplementary Notes on a Relationship. Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy, 8(15), 163-182. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/LTDL/article/view/76785