Rosmini on Kant’s Foundation of Ethics
- Ramón Caro Plaza Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
Author Biography
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Kant, I. (2009). Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: Background Source Materials (E. Watkins, Trans.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kant, I. (2005). Notes and Fragments (P. Guyer, Trans.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Prini, P. (1953). Introduzione alla metafisica di Antonio Rosmini. Domodossola: Sodalitas.
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Rosmini, A (1975-). In Istituto di Studi Filosofici & Centro de Studi Rosminiani (Eds.), Opere di Antonio Rosmini. Roma: Città Nuova. Citations will normally be given as paragraph number. I use the following abbreviations: AM = Antropologia in servizio della scienza morale [Anthropology as an Aid to Moral Science], DDN = Del divino nella natura [On the Divine in Nature], L = Logica, NS = Nuovo Saggio sull’origine delle idee [New Essay on the Origin of Ideas], R = Il rinnovamento della filosofia in Italia [The Renewal of Philosophy in Italy], POI = Preliminare alle opere ideologiche [Preamble to the Ideological Works], PSCM = Principi della scienza morale [Principles of Moral Science], SC = Storia comparativa e critica dei sistemi intorno al principio della morale [Comparative and Critical History of Systems dealing with the Principle of Morality], TD = Teodicea [Theodicy], T = Teosofia [Theosophy].
Rosmini, A (1890). Rosmini to Baldassare Poli, 6 February 1837. In Epistolario completo [Complete Epistolary] (Vol. 6). Casale Monferrato: Giovanni Pane.
I employ, with some modifications, the English translations:
Rosmini, A. (2007). Theosophy 1-3 (T. Watson, Trans.). Durham: Rosmini House.
Rosmini, A. (2001a). A New Essay concerning the Origin of Ideas 1 (D. Cleary & T. Watson, Trans.). Durham: Rosmini House.
Rosmini, A. (2001b). Preamble to the Ideological Works 1 (D. Cleary & T. Watson, Trans.). In A New Essay concerning the Origin of Ideas 1 (pp. 409-432). Durham: Rosmini House.
Rosmini, A. (1989). Principles of Ethics (T. Watson & D. Cleary, Trans.). Durham: Rosmini House.
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Thomas Aquinas (2019). Summa theologiae. In E. Alarcón (Ed.), Corpus Thomisticum.
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