Poder y género en la lucha ambiental. Casos de estudio en el norte de Cataluña

  • Mercè Agüera Cabo
Keywords: Gender, Power, Environment, Grassroots movements


This article analyses gender power relations in three environmental grassroots movements in North Catalonia, Spain. It deals with gender inequalities in leading and representative roles. In addition, it analyzes strategies and organization mechanisms that do not show the androcentric dynamics which traditionally dominate the public sphere. Firstly, the text describes the activity of a women's lobbying group centred on women's roles, values and interests in the environment. Secondly, we analyse an environmental grassroots movement in which women play a relevant role as representatives and that take part in great numbers in decision-making processes.


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How to Cite
Agüera Cabo M. . (2010). Poder y género en la lucha ambiental. Casos de estudio en el norte de Cataluña. Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 1, 9-26. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/INFE/article/view/INFE1010110009A