From Artemis to Artemisia. Representations of a powerful amazon

Keywords: Amazon, Artemis, Illuminated manuscript, Christine de Pizan, Artemisia Gentileschi


The following pages explore the representation of the strong woman in arts, who, with an aggressive attitude, and armed, does not hesitate to confront the man. To establish chronological and geographical limits that narrow the scope of the study, it starts from Greco-Roman antiquity, through the Middle Ages, until reaching the famous painting of Judith and Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi. We will explore different examples that illustrate and shape the discourse within Western Europe. On the one hand, the idea is to list the different women —and also personifications with a strong allegorical character— who have been represented as a femme forte, highlighting their belligerent and powerful attributes. On the other hand, we will also establish the variations and constants of this iconography between the different periods, its link with the textual sources, and the relationship with society and the context of the moment.


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Author Biographies

Alba Barceló Plana, Universitat de Barcelona

Doctora en Historia del Arte por la Universitat de Barcelona (2018) con Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado. La tesis se tituló “La il·lustració dels cicles bíblics en les haggadot del període gòtic: un estudi iconogràfic”, dirigida por Rosa Alcoy. Me licencié en Historia del Arte por la UB (2011) con Premio Extraordinario y Accésit en los Premios Nacionales de Fin de Carrera. También cursé en la UB el Màster d'Estudis Avançats en Història de l'Art (2013). En 2016 realicé una estancia en el Warburg Institute de Londres, financiada por la ayuda FPU.

Como integrante del grupo de investigación consolidado EMAC. Medieval i Modern (2017 SGR 154), del Departamento de Historia del Arte de la UB, estoy colaborando con los estudios y proyectos I+D del grupo. He formado parte de la secretaría de los simposios internacionales y de la edición de libros del grupo. Mi línea de investigación principal gira entorno a la iconografía en manuscritos hebreos catalanes medievales, aunque también he hecho incursiones en otros ámbitos, sobre todo en arte gótico. 

También he sido documentalista de la exposición "Hagadàs Barcelona: L'esplendor jueva del gòtic català", que tuvo lugar en el Museo de Historia de Barcelona.

Actualmente soy profesora asociada en la Universitat de Barcelona.

Roger Ferrer Ventosa, Universitat de Barcelona

Roger Ferrer Ventosa
He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Barcelona. Ferrer was a FPU
doctoral student at the University of Girona, where he earned his doctoral degree. Graduate in
History of Art (9,62/10) and in Cultural Communication, Master in Cultural Studies (9.47/10)
from the University of Girona.
In his thesis, he has investigated the links between art theory, artistic practices and magical/
religious/symbolic thinking. The goal in his research has been to shed some light on how ideas
regarding the sacred can transform themselves in visual material. Then, visual material serves
as a thermometer to spot variations in the history of ideas and in societies.
Concerning to this analysis, he has published papers in academic journals, in book chapters,
and two monographic books (Mágica Belleza), and he is currently editing a book on the
filmmaker David Lynch. Another Ferrer’s skill is his interdisciplinary approach. Taking his
articles and chapters into consideration, he has published articles for different fields of
knowledge: film studies, literature, cultural studies, anthropology of art, theory of images,
visual culture, history of philosophy, aesthetics, etc.
He did an internship of six months in the History of Hermetic Philosophy, at the University of

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How to Cite
Barceló Plana A. y Ferrer Ventosa R. (2023). From Artemis to Artemisia. Representations of a powerful amazon. Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 14(1), 117-130.