Bolivians in Spain: lattice of migration stories and gender roles

  • Rosa Marcela Ramos Hidalgo a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:21:"Universidad de Murcia";}
Keywords: gender, migration, transnationalism, sexism, Bolivia, Spain


Abstract: Introduction and Objective. This paper contributes to the debates on migration and social change from a gender perspective, analyzing  whether related to their migration to Spain, Bolivian women that live in  Murcia  modify gender  aspects in their everyday life. Methodology. From a qualitative research carried out on men and women, from the union of perpectives of gender and transnationalism, it has been possible to reveal the self-perception of this little known community. Results. The  results obtained idicate that Bolivian women can generate empowerment processes by having material prosperity, legal protection against abuses, gender –neutral spaces, among other things. Conclusion and discussion. This research conludes  that, in fact,  there are significant changes regarding gender roles as a consequence of their migration.


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How to Cite
Ramos Hidalgo R. M. (2023). Bolivians in Spain: lattice of migration stories and gender roles. Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 14(1), 97-107.