Untold memories: FARC ex-combatant women in the Colombian Caribbean

Keywords: gender, women, guerrilla women, memories, bodies, ex-combatants, subjectivities


Introduction. During the Colombian armed conflict, women played an important role within the guerrillas. Currently, they are also involved in the reincorporation into civilian life, because of the final agreement between the Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Objective. The article explores the memories of a group of female ex-combatants in the reincorporation process in two Reincorporation Territorial Spaces (ETCR) in the Colombian Caribbean. Methodology. These have been collected through a series of participatory methodologies and traditional social science methods that we developed within the framework of a Diploma in conflict resolution, aimed at indigenous and non-indigenous women ex-combatants. Results and discussion. The main argument is that women ex-combatants have developed bodily memories of their life in the war that are evidenced in a series of new subjectivities that have emerged during their reincorporation process. On the one hand, bodily memories of individual, collective and territorial care, as well as memories of productive practices that show forms of agency and diverse subjectivities. On the other hand, the forms of care, solidarity, resistance, and the desire to live as part of their memories about their Sexual Autonomy (AS in Spanish).


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Author Biographies

Mónica Acosta, Universidad del País Vasco

Investigadora predoctoral del Departamento de Derecho Administrativo, Constitucional y Filosofía del Derecho (Facultad de Derecho - UPV/EHU) y voluntaria en la EIDI (Universidad del Rosario). Doctoranda en Sociología Jurídica (UPV/EHU). Sus intereses se centran en los estudios de la justicia transicional desde los feminismos, las luchas de las mujeres indígenas y las perspectivas desde abajo. 

Paula Cáceres, Rosario University

Es investigadora social de la EIDI del Centro de Conflicto y Paz (UR). Politóloga (UR) interesada en estudios de memoria, paz y conflicto con énfasis en género, interseccionalidad y procesos de resistencia y construcción de paz de mujeres indígenas y rurales. Profesora de la clase Retos Interculturales para la Vida Universitaria.

Fallon Hernández, VulvArte Escuela

Internacionalista de la Universidad del Rosario, profesora e investigadora social enfocada en educación sexual y menstrual, y directora de VulvArte Escuela

Ángela Santamaría, Rosario University

Es directora de la Escuela Intercultural de Diplomacia Indígena (EIDI). Profesora titular del Centro de Estudios sobre Conflictos y Paz, y del curso de Construcción de Paz, Género y Etnicidad de la Universidad del Rosario (UR). Doctora en Sociología del EHESS-París interesada en la resistencia de las mujeres indígenas, la construcción de paz, el posconflicto y la justicia transicional a nivel local.

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How to Cite
Acosta M., Cáceres P., Hernández F. y Santamaría Á. (2022). Untold memories: FARC ex-combatant women in the Colombian Caribbean. Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 13(1), 277-288. https://doi.org/10.5209/infe.77132