Digital media and gender production: pregnancy in three virtual sites

Keywords: subjectivity, gender, pregnancy, motherhood, pregnant women, digital media, stereotypes


Introduction and Objective. More and more pregnant women use digital media to obtain information about their condition or to socialize with others in the same condition. The objective of this work was to analyze the impact of digital media on the production of the subjectivity of pregnant women. Methodology. The methodology consisted of virtual ethnography in a closed Facebook group, in the BabyCenter Application and in a magazine for pregnant women with digital cultural consumption. The information analysis was mixed. Results. In the results, it stands out that common themes in the consulted media were: market; fashion; beauty and health. In these media, regimes of truth are produced in terms of expected and desirable emotions for the time of gestation, an imaginary of pregnancy is promoted as the center of women's lives, a biopolitics of reproduction is produced and a certain self-discipline is invited of the self. Conclusions and Contributions. The contribution and originality of this work lies in the fact that we show how digital media are part of a global and cultural policy of circulation of truths and knowledge about the social value of motherhood, pregnancy and the reproduction of female identities that place the caring for others. This policy is thus in accordance and is a product of the gender order, and is the producer and reproducer of desires, stereotypes and modes of existence.


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Author Biography

Cristina Palomar Verea, Universidad de Guadalajara

Cristina Guadalupe Palomar Verea, psicóloga, psicoanalista y doctora en Ciencias Sociales con especialidad en Antropología Social. Fundó y dirigió el Centro de Estudios de Género en la Universidad de Guadalajara (UdeG) y dirigió la Revista de Estudios de Género. La Ventana hasta su número 26. Coordinó el Doctorado en Educación de la misma universidad entre 2017 y 2018. Actualmente es profesora-Investigadora titular del Departamento de Estudios en Educación de la UdeG, especializada en el campo de los estudios de género en conexión con los estudios de la subjetividad y de la cultura institucional en la educación superior. Es docente del Doctorado en Educación y de la Maestría en Investigación Educativa de la UdeG. Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores desde 2002, actualmente con el nivel II, y cuenta con el perfil PROMEP desde hace más de diez años. Es autora de varios libros, y diversos capítulos y artículos.


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How to Cite
Palomar Verea C. y Contreras Tinoco K. A. (2022). Digital media and gender production: pregnancy in three virtual sites. Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 13(1), 195-206.