From Gender to bio/cis/trans/techno/post-Genders

The paradoxical Destiny of a sociologist Extrapolation

  • María José Binetti CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas de Técnicas)


Gender’s category gests into the American feminist academy in the framework of socio-historical studies with the purpose of analyzing and explaining the hierarchical and oppressive power relations between the sexes, and then eliminating the structural inequality hat concerns their sexuate condition. However, far from achieving the abolition of gender as dynamism of oppression, today the bio/cis/trans/techno/post-genders return to postfeminist academy as categories of individual desire and self-perception in order to be recognized in their free self-identifying and subjective availability. Instead of abolishing gender for the purpose of liberating women, postfeminism abolished the ontological reality of women and reified genders by a kind of counter-identity social essentialism. Trying to explain in onological-philosophical terms such a paradoxical destiny is the main goal of the following pages.



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How to Cite
Binetti M. J. (2022). From Gender to bio/cis/trans/techno/post-Genders: The paradoxical Destiny of a sociologist Extrapolation. Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 12(1).