The "Frauenproblem" and the reflection on motherhood during the Weimar Republic and the National Socialism through the work of Alice Rühle-Gerstel

  • Lizette Jacinto Montes Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades "Alfonso Vélez Pliego", Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de México
Keywords: feminist criticism, Rühle-Gerstel, maternity, Nazism


One of the direct consequences of National Socialism in Germany was the exclusion of certain feminist authors who for decades had been reflecting on "the second sex", the "feminine question" or "the woman problem"(Das Frauenproblem). One of them is Alice Rühle-Gerstel, born in Prague in 1894, based in Germany during the Weimar Republic, and who finally committed suicide in 1943 in Mexico City during her political exile that started in 1936. The importance of this author lies in the possibility of tracing through her work not only the intellectual and cultural environment linked to feminism in the German-speaking countries during the first half of the 20th century, but also the debates and discussions around the topics of "woman" and "motherhood". Her contributions and foray into the feminism of the early twentieth century will be addressed considering her interdisciplinary reflection and the theoretical tools that both the Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler and the Historical Materialism of Karl Marx provided. Based on the latter, it can be concluded that the work of Alice Rühle-Gerstel was a pioneering one in analyzing and reflecting on the situation of women in the German speaking space. In addition, this work offers the general context in which Rühle-Gerstel´s thought first developed during the time of the Weimar Republic, and afterwards suffered censorship and finally fell into oblivion subject to the rise of National Socialism.


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Author Biography

Lizette Jacinto Montes, Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades "Alfonso Vélez Pliego", Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de México

Historiadora Mexicana con licenciatura en la UNAM y estudios de Doctorado en Teoría de la Historia Alemania. En Alemani atrabajé como docente y asistente de Cátedra en las Universidades de Colonia y Düsseldorf. He participado en diversos congresos internacionales y he sido profesora invitada en Universidades de: Italia, Bélgica, Alemania y México

Actualmente Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI). Desde diciembre del 2015 Profesora-Investigadora Titular A Tiempo Completo del Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades "Alfonso Vélez Pliego" de la Benemérita Unoiversidad Autónoma de Puebla.

Editora  (junto con Eugenia Scarzanella): Género y Ciencia en América Latina Siglos XVI-XX, Editorial Iberoamericana-Vervuert 2011.

Coordinadora del libro: Racismo, cuerpo y violencia en América Latina, Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, BUAP-Ediciones Del Lirio, 2019 (En imprenta).

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How to Cite
Jacinto Montes L. (2020). The "Frauenproblem" and the reflection on motherhood during the Weimar Republic and the National Socialism through the work of Alice Rühle-Gerstel. Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 11(1), 67-76.