The collection of Lidia Falcón: an archive for the history of the feminist movement since the 1960s
One of the greatest challenges in the history of struggles for women’s rights is the collection
and conservation of documents generated by associations, collectives and individuals that were part
of the Feminist Movement during the Spanish Transition to democracy. With the aim of highlighting
part of their content, this article presents the Lidia Falcón Fonds as well as the Feminist Party and the
Feminist Vindication Club Fonds, available for consultation at the National Archive of Catalonia. The
fonds consist of all the documents produced in many projects led by Falcón –a lawyer, writer, journalist
but also a dramatist and untiring feminist militant– among which we may underline the publication of
two magazines –Vindicación Feminista y Poder y Libertad– as well as the foundation of the Feminist
Party of Spain. Therefore, the diversity and volume of documents collected make these two fonds
essential for the study and reconstruction of the history of this movement.
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