“Here and now”: the concept of social contract in the materialist lesbianism of Monique Wittig

  • Aránzazu Hernández Piñero Universidad de Zaragoza
Keywords: Wittig, compulsory heterosexuality, lesbianism, materialist feminism, agency


In this paper, I analyze the role played by the notion of social contract in the radical lesbian
thought of Monique Wittig. I argue that the wittigian idea of social contract has two dimensions: one
critical and another creative or “utopian”, as the authoress calls it. With respect to the critical dimension, I
support that Wittig finds the way of accounting for the instituent and tacit character of heterosexuality and
revealing the terms of the contract for women (heterosexualization and appropriation) through the notion of
social contract. However, the creative or “utopian” dimension lies in the possibility of modifying the pact. I
consider that the thought of Wittig about the social contract has three qualities that do not coincide with the
etymological meaning, nor agree with the classical definition of utopia: facticity, contingency and actuality.
I conclude, therefore, that the utopian dimension of the social contract does not point at the future, but it
designates the ability of each individual subject (“each one of us”, with the expression of the authoress)
to act on it in the present, “here and now” as Wittig likes to say. I also demonstrate how the wittigian
reconsideration of the concept of social contract is inscribed in her perspective of materialist lesbianism.
Keywords: Wittig, compulsory heterosexuality, lesbianism, materialist feminism, agency.


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Author Biography

Aránzazu Hernández Piñero, Universidad de Zaragoza

Aránzazu Hernández Piñero. Profesora Contratada Doctora del Departamento de Filosofía de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Zaragoza. Desarrolla sus principales líneas de investigación en el ámbito de la filosofía feminista contemporánea. Sus dos últimas publicaciones se recogen en dos libros colectivos: “Ciudadanía, derechos sexuales y derechos humanos: el estatuto de la heterosexualidad a debate. El caso del derecho al asilo” (en Las odiseas de Penélope. Feminización de las migraciones y derechos humanos, Universidad de La Laguna y Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2017, pp. 303-337) y “La subjetividad en la temporalidad nómada de Rosi Braidotti” (en Corporalidad, Temporalidad, Afectividad. Perspectivas filosófico-antropológicas,Logos Verlag Berlin, 2017, pp. 173 – 191).

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How to Cite
Hernández Piñero A. (2019). “Here and now”: the concept of social contract in the materialist lesbianism of Monique Wittig. Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 10(1), 27-44. https://doi.org/10.5209/infe.60722