Lee Krasner’s legacy: determination, post-war era and pictorial energy

  • María Antonia Blanco Arroyo Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: art, painting, history, creativity.


Lee Krasner’s artwork, which took an essential role in the process of forging the triumph of abstract expressionism in America, is the subject matter of this article. In addition, because there is still great memory lapses around her work, it is very necessary to point out the value of Krasner’s legacy. In fact, she, as a woman, was a vocational artist who battle with all her might against pre-established canons, in order to show her determination and talent, within a discriminatory context during the post-war period, despite her creative potential was kept in the shade for decades. The analysis of Lee Krasner’s free and independent spirit that characterized her life is the focus of the first section of this article. Besides, the symbiosis between art and life during her relationship with her husband Jackson Pollock since they moved to Long Island in 1945, is examined as a second part of this article. Finally, there is a focus on her series entitled Little Images, started by Krasner in 1946, which was a turning point for her and influenced notably her artistic career as well as her later recognition as a woman artist in the world of art.


Author Biography

María Antonia Blanco Arroyo, Universidad de Sevilla

Licenciatura en Bellas Artes. Universidad de Sevilla (2009).

Doctorado en Bellas Artes con Mención Internacional. US

Profesora de la asignatura Historia y Arte Contemporáneo.

Investigación artística en Estados Unidos durante 9 meses.

Líneas de investigación: Arte del siglo XX y siglo XXI, fotografía contemporánea de paisaje.

Últimas publicaciones: “Dana Fritz inspirada por la naturaleza”, en Revista Croma, nº 9; “El patrimonio histórico y la memoria a través del paisaje de Jaén”, en Quiroga. Revista de Patrimonio Iberoamericano, nº 9.

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How to Cite
Blanco Arroyo M. A. (2018). Lee Krasner’s legacy: determination, post-war era and pictorial energy. Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 9(1), 137-150. https://doi.org/10.5209/INFE.56103