The Mexican Walls: A Challenge for the Female Spanish Exiled Artists

  • Carmen Gaitan Salinas Instituto de Historia, CSIC
Keywords: Muralism, exiled women, women painters, contemporary history, gender studies.


This paper focuses on the muralism of the female Spanish artists exiled in Mexico after the Spanish Civil War. Although we are studying some specific artists, the murals which we explain here –some of them unknown until now– show the female refugees’ interest in actively inserting themselves not only in the Mexican society but also in their culture. Thanks to the work of Germaine Greer, we can elucidate which were the difficulties in the Mexican country and why their interventions were such limited. In that way, on the following pages, we study Manuela Ballester’s productions in leisure space or Elvira Gascón’s contributions in the religious context, pass through Mary Martín’s or Regina Raull’s isolated participations. In any case, these artists did not yield to the artistic practices that supposedly belong to them, but they knew to adapt themselves to the new requirements, making themselves visible on the Mexican walls.


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Author Biography

Carmen Gaitan Salinas, Instituto de Historia, CSIC

Carmen Gaitán Salinas es licenciada en Historia del Arte por la Universidad de Málaga (2010) y titulada Superior de Piano por el Conservatorio Superior de Música de Málaga (2009). Además es titulada también en el Máster en Desarrollos Sociales de la Cultura Artística (2011) por la Universidad de Málaga y el Máster en Historia del Arte Contemporáneo y Cultura Visual (2012) por la UCM, la UAM y el MNCARS. Ha sido beneficiaria de un contrato FPU del MECD, dentro de cuyo programa ha desarrollado su tesis doctoral -realizada en el Instituto de Historia del CSIC y la UCM- en torno a las artistas españolas exiliadas en América Latina. Ha participado en numerosos congresos, actividades de divulgación e investigación científica y ha realizado estancias de investigación en Inglaterra, México y Argentina. Los intereses de su investigación se centran en torno a las cuestiones de género, el arte contemporáneo, el arte español y las relaciones culturales entre España y Latinoamérica.

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How to Cite
Gaitan Salinas C. (2018). The Mexican Walls: A Challenge for the Female Spanish Exiled Artists. Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 9(1), 47-66.