Feminicides with a gender perspective. An intersectional analysis of "The Fall"

  • Delicia Aguado Peláez
Keywords: Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, Fiction, Intersectionality, The Fall


The present text assessed the crime thriller The Fall in a intersectional way which, using the Content Analysis tools, allows us to know if this TV series promotes inclusiveness, especially on gender equality, and, thus, the democratization of the media field. A field that, on many other occasions, (re)produces the universality of the normative male model white, heterosexual, independent, middle or upper class... at the expense of other realities. In conclusion, through the female main carácter and the representation of the cultural, political and social context, this British production criticizes the androcentrism in favour of a feminist narrative that contribute to problematize the gender-based violence in all its dimensions.


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Author Biography

Delicia Aguado Peláez
Doctora en Comunicación Audiovisual por al Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)
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How to Cite
Aguado Peláez D. (2017). Feminicides with a gender perspective. An intersectional analysis of "The Fall". Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 8(1), 183-201. https://doi.org/10.5209/INFE.54868