A buzzword?: Rethinking the intersectionality as a tool for feminist political articulation

  • Itziar Gandarias Goikoetxea Departamento de Psicologia Social y Desarrollo Universidad de Deusto
Keywords: Intersectionality, black feminist theory, articulation, oppressions, privileges


Intersectionality is considered one of the major contributions to gender and feminist studies in recent decades. Despite this, some theorists are suspicious of the current uncritical use and fetishization of intersectionality and others see it as as a buzzword. Based on the experience of articulation of the Platform of the World March of Women of the Basque Country, this text explores some of the tensions that arise when implementing intersectionality. In order to recover its radical and transformative character originating in black feminisms, three challenges of intersectionality are presented as a tool for political articulation: (i) addressing the interrelationship between subjectivity and intersectionality (ii) its re-politicization and radicalization and (iii) the commitment to a situated and contingent intersectionality. More than an expired notion, intersectionality is presented as a tool with a political and theoretical potential yet to be explored.


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Author Biography

Itziar Gandarias Goikoetxea, Departamento de Psicologia Social y Desarrollo Universidad de Deusto

Doctora en Psicologia Social por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona con la tesis doctoral: Hasta que todas seamos libres: Encuentros, tensiones y retos para la construcción de articulaciones entre organizaciones de mujeres migradas y feministas en Euskal Herria. Es profesora del Departamento de Psicologia Social y Desarrollo de la Universidad del Deusto y del Master de Psicologia de la intervención social. Participa en Munduko Emakumeak- Mujeres del Mundo y en la Plataforma de la Marcha Mundial de Mujeres en Euskal Herria. Sus áreas de interés de investigación son los feminismos postcoloniales e interseccionales, las relaciones entre movimientos sociales y academia y las metodologías activistas y feministas.

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How to Cite
Gandarias Goikoetxea I. (2017). A buzzword?: Rethinking the intersectionality as a tool for feminist political articulation. Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 8(1), 73-93. https://doi.org/10.5209/INFE.54498