Women’s football. Notes for a social history of women’s sport in Spain, 1900-1936

  • Xavier Torrebadella-Flix Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Grupo de Investigación Social y Educativa de Actividad Física y Deportiva del INEFC-Barcelona
Keywords: Women’s football, history of sport, feminism, sexual discrimination.


In the context of demands by the European feminist movement at the beginning of the 20th century, in Spain women’s sport flagged up aspirations to what were considered to be male practices. The first experiences of women in football stand out because of their use of the media to appear as a symbol of social transformation to modernity in the 20th century. It was not in vain that women’s football highlighted the demands of the feminist movements, although it did come up against male disapproval from an opposing group. The research sets out from a bibliographical and media review of specialist press and sports news of the time. Other current studies have also been considered in order to place it in a social and historical focus on sport. This has enabled us to highlight that football in Spain was established as an unequivocal space for (re) producing male hegemony where women were relegated to the representation of a symbolic ritual in a scenario of accessory and condescension.


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How to Cite
Torrebadella-Flix X. (2016). Women’s football. Notes for a social history of women’s sport in Spain, 1900-1936. Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 7(1), 313-334. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_INFE.2016.v7.n1.52710