Weaving Futures. Family Transnationalism in the migration from Dominican Republic and Brazil to Spain

  • Claudia Pedone CONICET- Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Sandra Gil Araujo CONICET- Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Brazilian migration, Dominican migration, Spain, Family Transnationalism.


This article explores forms of migrant families’ reorganization within a (new) global economic crisis and the hardening of migration control in Europe; based on the cases of Dominican and Brazilian migration to Spain.

Our goal is not to characterize the wholeness of strategies from these collectives, instead visualize its heterogeneity. Displacement of Dominican and Brazilian population to Spain shares the role of women as the first link of migration chains. In both cases women are the economic support of transnational families and they lead reunification's processes. Nevertheless, differences in the time spent in the destination country, migratory status, origin (rural-urban), level of education, class and labor insertion in destination country, affect differently, the planning and start up of migration projects, the organization of care and family reunification strategies. These findings question the predominant place granted to national origin in the study of international migration.


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How to Cite
Pedone C. y Gil Araujo S. (2016). Weaving Futures. Family Transnationalism in the migration from Dominican Republic and Brazil to Spain. Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 7(1), 241-263. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_INFE.2016.v7.n1.52186