That obscure object of desire: body and violence

  • Alicia H. Puleo Universidad de Valladolid
Keywords: Ethics, women, body, animal.


One of the ways of legitimizing oppressive practices consists of reducing subordinates to the category of mere body. The conceptualization of women, just as that of non-human animals has taken place within the framework of the Culture / Nature, Mind / Body and Subject / Object dualisms. The ascription to the devalued element of the dualisms has expressed and legitimized the condition of privileged target of desire and of violence simultaneously. This object of desire, turned into meat, arouses love and hate, desire of possession and of annihilation. Endeavouring to comprehend this phenomenon, this study analyzes the conceptual framework that underpins desire in patriarchal culture.


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How to Cite
H. Puleo A. (2015). That obscure object of desire: body and violence. Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 6, 122-138.